Corona shorona

I am a typical mother, yes I proudly say that I am scared of corona and I never want to send my kids back to school. Yes, I know the school management have strictly followed all the recommended SOP's, but I don't want to take any kind of risk. So, since March 2020, my kids are stays at home. No outgoing, No playing outside, No party sharty at all. I have started homeschooling for my kids last year and it's an entirely different experience. ( don't worry I will share each and everything with you guys) 😊 So today Hussain refused to finish his Homework in which he had to write an introduction of himself. After some time I felt angry I just want him to finish his homework that's it. But I didn't force him, nor I said anything. I just stared at him. And then a flashback, started when he was nanna Munna sa baby, then time passes on and he calls me mamma very first time and I was like bus kaha jaon kya Karon. On his first day at school, I was worried that royega 😔...